Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 32 - Tulsa Tough & Cigarettes

Day 31 went well, which is the norm now. I suppose I should start posting if I smoke, because that would be straying from the beaten path at this point. Now I understand why a lot of people who started 'stop smoking' blogs allowed them to turn into 'life' blogs after a few months. It's because we get sick and tired of dwelling on the whole 'stop smoking' part of our lives. For me, this is an outlet to update on my progress and tell a few funny stories now and then. Starting off, it was good for me to write out how I was feeling and what my body was going through, but now, it's just mundane because to me, I've already won this battle. There's no turning back now. =)

Anyway, we're going to the Tulsa Tough bike races this weekend and I am not looking forward to standing by the smokers in the crowd. It's amazing how the smell of cigarette smoke makes me feel now. I used to think that it would make me want to smoke again, but it truly just makes me sick. I'm not talking down on these people because I'm certainly no hypocrit, but it just stinks like no other. And I do think that smokers just don't realize how far-reaching their smoke can be in a crowd of people. I certainly never thought about it. Sure I would walk to the outskirts of the crowd and try to be polite, but I now realize that it was probably to no avail. But you know can't change people. All you can do is your live your life and make positive changes in yourself. Maybe along the way you can be a good influence on someone. If not, that's okay too.

Here's to turning my 'stop smoking' blog into a 'life' blog.

God Bless,
The Quitter

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