Friday, June 19, 2009

Day 53 - Positive Attitude

So the most important thing for me to do right now is to keep a positive attitude. With all the negative in the world that I cannot control, why would I want to create more negative in my life? That's futile in my opinion. And since my previous outlet for frustration (smoking) is now gone, reducing the negative/stress in my life is pretty important.

My goal from now on is to look at each situation as it arises and ask myself this question: "Will it matter in 30 minutes"?

If the answer to that is no, then the question becomes: "Will it matter in 1 day"?

And then: "Will it matter in 1 week"?

And so on and so forth.

Eventually, I will realize that a situation either warrants concern or it doesn't. If I get home from work and the house needs picked up, I'm not going to stress out about it, because it won't matter in 1 week. In 1 week, what's the difference between gradually putting things away over a 2 day period or stressing about it for 30 minutes and running around like a crazy woman cleaning everything in sight. In 1 week, the house is picked up no matter how it happened.

Here's to less stress and my new mantra - "They can't eat you"!

God Bless,
The Quitter

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